FREE Values Workshop
When: Next date TBA - Use form to be notified.
Where: Online - Link to be provided
This workshop will help you identify your core values and align them with your desired lifestyle. You will learn how to set goals and devise actions that help you make the lasting changes you've been looking for.
Mindset Makeover
Currently waitlisting for the Autumn 2024 cohort
This program is for a period of 10 weeks and is designed to help you build the mental and emotional skills required to help maintain any changes you make... for LIFE! Learn how to connect with your deeper "why", think on a continuum, and build your support toolbox so that you can regulate your emotions without always turning to food, booze, or excessive exercise.
This a group-based program and will only be available for a maximum of 8 people at a time.
Make Changes That STICK!
Please complete the form to register your interest in the Autumn 2024 mindset group.